Could bespoke lockers give your business a boost?

Far from simply being a place for staff, customers or members of the public to store items, bespoke lockers can play an integral role in a business. They can be used to improve safety, increase security, boost productivity and help a workplace look tidier and less cluttered. Bespoke lockers are found in a huge number of workplaces, from schools and offices to police stations, gyms and shopping centres.

While there is a huge range of lockers available, it is sometimes the case that companies will have specific requirements and need a bespoke solution. In this situation there are a number of factors to consider.


Bespoke lockers need to be user-friendly and capable of performing a set task. For example, if staff are often equipped with specific pieces of kit, then a bespoke storage solution may well be preferable. Such kit could include building tools, protective headwear, medical equipment or electronic devices.

Dedicated storage will help prevent loss, theft and reduce wear and tear. Locker size is also critical – too small and the lockers may not offer enough space, but too large and they may be impractical, especially for companies with large workforces. Primary school lockers for example will need to be low enough for small children to use. It’s possible to manufacture lockers to meet individual requirements when it comes to measurements and for some firms a bespoke solution is best.

Additional features required could include a bar for hanging items of clothing, shelving, antibacterial paint to help prevent the spread of infection and charging facilities for electrical devices such as laptops, tablets and mobiles.

Security and accessibility

Keeping items secure is a primary function of a locker, as is providing easy access to the rightful owner. There are various locking options available and it will depend on the nature of the business as to which is most suitable. Interframe locking, multi-user combination locks, coin operated systems and digital locking solutions are all potential options. Master key override functionality may also be a necessary feature for some companies.

Strength and durability

Regardless of the environment in which bespoke lockers are to be installed, it is always important to have products that are capable of withstanding knocks and bumps and will cope with constant daily use. Opting for work lockers that meet British Standards is a good way of ensuring you’ll end up with a product that will last. Various construction techniques can also improve durability, such as welded internal door strengtheners, spot welding in corners and welded vertical channel sections.

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