Common mistakes that can undermine your workplace lockers’ security and how to avoid them

Workplace lockers are a secure solution for storing both personal possessions and equipment that your organisation owns. Whether you need to secure valuable office equipment or provide staff with a place to safely stow their belongings, it’s worth investing in workplace lockers. Unfortunately, simple security errors can undermine the security that lockers offer. In today’s blog, we’ll take a close look at some of the most common locker-related security errors. Don’t worry if you currently make some of these mistakes, however: we’ll also teach you how to avoid them.

1. Picking the wrong place to leave keys

Do you use workplace lockers for long-term storage? If you store items in lockers for several days, weeks or even months, you probably don’t keep the keys with you at all times. However, many business owners and locker-users make the mistake of leaving their storage keys somewhere that anyone can get to (such as on their desk or hanging on a key holder). Keys kept in easily-accessible locations are very easy to pilfer. Once a thief has a key to a locker, they can access its contents freely. To avoid this problem, you should keep your workplace locker keys somewhere no-one else has access to. For example, you might wish to take them home or keep them in a lockable desk drawer.

2. Putting lockers in secluded areas

Obviously, you don’t want to place your workplace lockers in a very busy area, because you don’t want them to get in the way. However, if you place them in a very out-of-the-way room, prospective thieves may be able to take advantage of the lockers’ seclusion. Without significant risk of disturbance the thieves may still be able to pick the locks or force the lockers open. We suggest placing lockers somewhere they can be seen easily in order to prevent the risk of theft.

3. Not securing lockers

You may not deter particularly determined thieves if they can’t open a locker and gain access to its contents. They may simply steal the whole locker instead! Many locker owners don’t secure their smaller lockers properly, meaning that thieves can carry them off with ease. Remember to always bolt your lockers in place, or secure them using another method so that they can’t be stolen.

Workplace lockers are highly secure and are ideal for gyms, schools, call centres and office environments. However, here at 3D Lockers, we understand that even the most secure locker can be under threat by simple mistakes. By following the advice we have given in today’s blog entry, you can make sure your lockers remain safe and secure.
