In addition to our standard lockers, at 3D Lockers we also offer a range of dangerous cabinets. These lockable units can be used to store potentially harmful materials. This includes paints, varnishes and even specialist chemicals. If your business has to keep hazardous substances on site, dangerous cabinets are a great investment. However, why is it important to store dangerous materials in dangerous cabinets instead of conventional lockers?
1. Visibility
Our dangerous cabinets have a highly visible design. The bright colour and hi-vis design make them impossible to miss. This reduces the risk of anyone coming into contact with a cabinet or its contents
accidentally. Visibility is essential when storing hazardous chemicals and the most effective way to prevent accidents.
2. Labelling
Unlike storage lockers, clear labels are sent with our dangerous cabinets. These labels show that the cabinets contain potentially dangerous materials. Without clear labelling, individuals may not realise what a storage unit contains and access it without realising it might be dangerous. Utilising clearly labelled cabinets eliminates this problem.
3. Proper shelving
Dangerous cabinets generally have lipped shelves. This is to prevent items stored in them from falling out. This simple safety measure drastically reduces the risk of a hazardous substance spilling out of the cabinet and causing damage to people or objects.
4. Constructed to prevent leaks
Cross-contamination can be very dangerous. Dangerous storage cabinets are made so that it’s almost impossible for substances to leak out of them. This therefore greatly reduces the risk of cross-contamination. Our dangerous cabinets are ideal for schools, laboratories and also hospitals. In fact, they can be use used anywhere for storing dangerous materials. Using these cabinets can prevent damage and injuries, so check out our range today.