Lockers For Schools – Create a Tidy & Risk Free Learning Environment

Providing a risk free environment is paramount in schools, and in many smaller buildings, such as nurseries and primary schools, the main issue that arises is safe and tidy storage of personal belongings.  Our lockers for schools are the perfect solution.

Many smaller buildings lack the space and complimentary design for large, bulky lockers for schools to tidy away the coats, bags, P.E. kits and other belongings that children need to bring with them on a daily basis. Storing these belongings in classrooms is never an ideal option, as no matter how careful staff and children are to place coats neatly on chairs and safely tuck bags away under tables, by break time they more often than not end up strewn across the floor and in the aisles, creating trip hazards and possible damage to the belongings themselves, not to mention blocking the path in the event of an emergency.

Many nurseries and primary schools opt to keep the classroom clutter free by storing belongings in the hallways and corridors of the building, but often encounter the same issue when break time comes and the children rush excitedly to grab their coats, leaving other coats and bags strewn around, again causing major health and safety issues for all.

The key solution to this unsightly and unsafe issue is the installation of proper storage for personal items, this might be one of our special height low lockers for primary schools. However, this doesn”t need to be bulky lockers that would take up large amounts of space in your classroom or corridor. Allocated areas for personal storage can easily be created anywhere in the school, from a designated room to a free space within the classroom or out in the corridor.

Our cloakroom solutions include coat rails and slatted bench seats for easily transforming any wall space into a changing and personal storage area. Coat rails are popular for use in classrooms and corridors as they offer a safe, tidy storage solution with minimal space required and our slatted bench seats allow you to offer changing facilities wherever you have free space.

Our island seat unit offers the perfect combination of the coat rail and island bench seat, and comes in both single sided and double sided options, offering the perfect solution for your storage and changing needs no matter what your building’s space constraints may be.

To browse all our lockers for schools or cloakroom storage options, please visit the Cloakroom Equipment section on our website, or to discuss the available solutions please call us today on 01924240291 or email and one of our friendly team will be happy to help.
