Security and storage may be one of your organisation’s key concerns. Making sure you keep your personnel and property out of harm’s way is hugely important and these days, achieving this is arguably more complicated than it was in the past.
Like a lot of firms, yours might rely heavily on technology and this puts you at risk of a particular kind of security breach. For example, lots of your workers might use laptops. While these items have many advantages, they are also easy to steal if they are not secured effectively. With this in mind, you might benefit from checking out the specialist storage lockers that are now available.
Break in causes data breach
For example, a local authority in Scotland recently had to contact a total of 37,835 individuals and companies after a laptop containing personal data, including bank account details, was stolen during an office break-in. While the laptop was password-protected, it was not encrypted. The council noted it had informed the Information Commissioner and police and a spokesperson remarked: “We are sorry that this has happened and apologise for the inconvenience it has caused.” The organisation also revealed that an investigation is being conducted by its internal audit section.
The savvy approach
To minimise the risk that your organisation will have to deal with data breaches like this, it’s important to make sure that your storage and security provisions are of the highest quality. For example, these days it’s possible to source specialist storage lockers that can help you harness the power of technology while minimising the danger of problems arising.
Here at 3D Lockers we offer special storage lockers that are designed to house laptops and keep them safe while also enabling them to charge. Each compartment is equipped with a three-pin plug socket. These products come in three different sizes and you can choose from a number of designs. For example, you might opt for one-door versions designed to accommodate eight laptops. Alternatively, you may decide to go for eight-door lockers that can house the same number of laptops. We also have products that can hold 12 laptops.
Total convenience and peace of mind
Being able to leave your laptops in secure storage like this while also charging them represents the upmost in convenience and practicality. It also means you can benefit from enhanced peace of mind. You don’t have to worry that the devices will be stolen while they are connected to the mains. Given the importance of laptops in terms of their value and the information they can hold, this could be a huge relief.
Quality you can rely on
Meanwhile, whether you’re buying special laptop storage, gym lockers, leisure lockers or any other items from us, you can rest assured you’ll benefit from excellent quality. With more than two decades of experience in storage equipment solutions, we’re perfectly placed to offer the best products around.
To find out more about how we may be able to help you boost security at your premises, just take a look around our website or get in touch.