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“A lock’s just a lock isn’t it?”

This question, or a variation, is something our team at 3D Lockers are often asked. Seems obvious, yet when you are installing lockers in a work, learning, health or other location, the answer is: “Not really”. Just as you will select the most appropriate locker for your location and what

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New pastel colours for 3D lockers.

When I first started working in the storage industry, the standard and most popular colour for school lockers and steel cabinets was “coffee and cream”–a beige carcase with a chocolate brown door, a real throw back to the 70’s. Nearly every office I worked in or visited had a filing

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Start Spring With A Cycling Fitness Plan

It’s that time of year when those pesky resolutions made are waning, and so many seem to involve fitness. Of course, a number simply fall by the wayside, yet many others do become embedded into a person’s way of life. One fitness decision is often to look to cycle to work or

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Go Minimalist With Our White Lockers

Lockers have moved on a lot since the days when a locker was an unattractive, battered, old looking metal box that was kept in a room behind closed doors.  Today lockers come in a wide range of sizes, vibrant colours and trendy finishes.  And as well as providing a practical

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5 types of lockers to install in your school

School lockers have been a feature of educational establishments for many decades, helping to keep belongings safe and ensure that students aren’t carrying too many things in their bags. Nowadays, however, there are no ‘one size fits all’ solutions. Lockers for schools come in all sorts of shapes and sizes,

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New products Added – Janitors Cabinets

Nearly all workplaces, public buildings and schools have to store cleaning products, paper towels, toilet rolls as well as mops and buckets.  These products are not the most attractive items to have on general view and let’s face it can easily be pilfered or are suddenly missing when needed most. 

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Workstations – New Product Alert

It can sometimes be tricky keeping things organised on a shop floor, production area or workshop. With tools, documents, protective equipment and clipboards all over the place or in a separate office, it can be difficult to locate the things you need during the working day and have to hand. 

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