Lockers can make a huge difference to a school – and not just for pupils! While more headmasters insist that school lockers are fitted on the premises, it seems some are yet to realise that teacher lockers could be useful too. Teachers have plenty to gain from using them too. Let’s look
Nurses often work morning, noon and night for the sake of their patients’ health. This is one of the reasons why they’re considered to be the unsung heroes of society. So if you lead a team of nurses, how can you help make their job just a little bit easier?
Spring and summer are right around the corner. In fact, you can bet that the sun will be shining over your school before you know it. Rather than let this catch you off guard, make sure that your pupils are ready to handle the heat by installing lockers for summer.
Lockers provide a great place for both employees and visitors to store their possessions while they use your premises. However, most lockers are completely opaque, making it impossible to identify their contents without opening them. In many cases, this is a good thing, as it helps to ensure the privacy
Compact, secure and easy to use, phone lockers are the answer to securing one of the most important items that people carry around on a daily basis. With phones now costing in excess of £500 or more, it’s no wonder that having a safe place to keep such an expensive
If you own any kind of industrial type business such as a factory or garage, chances are that storage is a key concern. It may be that spare car parts are currently piled up haphazardly on shelves. Or safety gear on a construction site is shoved into an old cupboard
In addition to our standard lockers, at 3D Lockers we also offer a range of dangerous cabinets. These lockable units can be used to store potentially harmful materials. This includes paints, varnishes and even specialist chemicals. If your business has to keep hazardous substances on site, dangerous cabinets are a great investment.
Providing staff or pupils with a place to securely store their personal belongings is beneficial for them and helps you keep your office tidy. Workplace lockers can also help free up desk space by removing clutter. They make it easier to enforce workplace policies, such as no mobile phones. Staff
Workplace lockers are a secure solution for storing both personal possessions and equipment that your organisation owns. Whether you need to secure valuable office equipment or provide staff with a place to safely stow their belongings, it’s worth investing in workplace lockers. Unfortunately, simple security errors can undermine the security
Thousands of students accepted their place at university upon achieving their A-levels. However, with higher education applications falling by 5% this year, the 130 institutions based in the UK are really having to fight to persuade people to study with them. It’s fair to say that this means universities should