Don’t be fooled into thinking that click and collect is just a retail fad. According to a recent forecast it is shoppers in the UK that are leading the way on the click and collect revolution, and figures are set to rise dramatically in the next three years.
A new report by Planet Retail predicts the proportion of people using the service in this country will more than double from 35% to 76% by 2017. However, storage options can often be limited for retailers who want to keep up with this huge change in shopping behaviour.
This is where 3D Lockers can help. Our huge range of lockers, including metal lockers, wooden lockers, plastic lockers and laminate lockers, offer a professional-looking solution to the problem, with shoppers able to access their order quickly and easily. Lockers mean that even 24 hour access could be available, revolutionising the world of click and collect. At the moment there are a percentage of shoppers who use lockers to collect orders they have purchased online, but as the number of collection points increase so will the need for storage solutions.
According to experts at Planet Retail convenient collection points of the future could include train stations and schools as retailers find ways of better serving the customer. So, you may soon find book shops using lockers for click and collect orders, parents could have clothing deliveries made to their child’s university lockers, and gym lockers could also be the answer for sports stores wanting to deliver items such as trainers and workout gear.
Researchers at Planet Retail questioned 15,000 consumers in 10 key ecommerce markets including the UK, US, France, India and China. Already the UK market is well ahead of the 13% who buy online and collect in the US, and 5% in Germany. So, it might not be long before you can pick up your already-wrapped shopping on Christmas Eve from the train station, and you open your locker at work on Valentine’s Day to find flowers and chocolates waiting for you – well, we can dream can’t we!