Low lockers make great secure storage

When you think of lockers, you probably just think back to your school days or the changing rooms at the gym. However, lockers can be much more than that. Low lockers, in particular, can be used as an ideal storage solution in classrooms or offices.

Using low lockers in a classroom

Low lockers are an ideal choice for primary or junior school students and can also be included in other locker arrays to make them accessible to wheelchair users. With heights of between 1200mm and 1382mm, they are the right height for these shorter users.

They don’t need to be limited to being a place for students to put their own belongings, though. Installing low lockers in a classroom is also a great choice for secure storage that needs to be accessible to students. For instance, if you want to keep certain equipment securely stored, but within reach of students when it is time to use it, a low locker can be a great choice.

They can be used to store everything from sports equipment to art materials safely and securely. When it comes time to use them, all you need to do is unlock the low locker.

Using low lockers in offices

Low lockers aren’t only useful in the classroom setting, though. The height of low lockers make them an ideal addition to many offices. Low lockers can offer you secure storage that doesn’t fill an entire wall.

With a variety of styles available, your office can benefit from discreet secure storage. This can be used to store project files, keeping each one separate and accessible only to those who need to be given access. It can also be used as a way of storing expensive equipment that needs to be kept more securely.

Many offices even find that items that aren’t considered high security can benefit from being kept in a locker. The amount of stationery items that go missing is generally reduced when staff members have to access them through store room lockers.

Low lockers are more than just good for use as a primary school locker for students. To find out more about low locker uses, get in touch with us today!

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