Keep your students focused with phone lockers

20 years ago the biggest distraction for teens in school was each other, but these days keeping students off their phones is as big a challenge for teachers as teaching them Shakespeare quotes, the fundamentals of physics and just what, exactly, a prime number is.

Schools in the UK have taken different approaches; some have banned smartphones from being turned on at all during the school day, some allow for use during break times and lunch time, and others allow students to keep their phones switched on all day.

Phone lockers can help!

Using phone lockers for storing away mobile phones in classrooms could be a solution that works for everyone. With small compartments that are the ideal size for a smartphone, they’re the perfect solution for schools wishing to keep teenagers’ learning on track, as well as for gyms, call centres and office environments where keeping phones and other small personal possessions like wallets and keys secure is handy.

Our phone lockers are very slim at just 155 mm deep and 915 mm high, meaning that they don’t take up too much valuable space in the classroom. The lockers are available in variants with four or eight doors and several can be wall mounted together to create larger banks of lockers – enough for each of the 30 students in an average secondary school class.

Phones are a great resource for allowing kids to stay in touch with their parents, organising after-school activities and pickups, and putting at ease the minds of worried mums and dads. For teens with medical conditions or with a parent or family member who is seriously unwell, being able to stay in touch can give them the confidence that they need to attend school.  By installing phone lockers in school, pupils can securely lock away their mobile phones during school hours.
