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Location, Location, School Locker Location!

We all know that when purchasing a property location is important.  But should the location rule be applied when purchasing equipment such as school lockers or workplace lockers for staff in new or existing buildings. Due to the popular TV show presented by Kirsty Allsopp and Phil Spencer, location was

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6 Great Reasons To Cycle To Work

Millions of pounds worth of investment for cycling schemes across England has been made by the government with a number of cities and national parks to share a huge £94 million cash injection to promote cycling!  The money will be used to improve existing and fund new cycle routes in

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How to Safely Install Steel Lockers

The installation of steel lockers is not a complicated task, in fact whether the installation is in a school, workplace or a locker changing room environment rules for the installation of lockers remain exactly the same. “We are often asked if it is feasible for schools to install their own

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Schools Out! So Get Those Lockers In!

Its official! Schools and colleges are out for the summer, but that doesn’t mean that all work stops.  In fact now is the time to look at the maintenance and replacement of storage lockers for schools in educational establishments throughout the UK. 3D Lockers Marketing Director Heather Hart comments “You

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Storage Lockers to Suit all Requirements

Lockers are vital additions to all kinds of work, education and leisure environments. Indeed, there can be very few offices, schools or sports centres in the UK that do not benefit directly from having locker units on their premises

A Stunning Locker Range

3D Locker Solutions is the premier supplier of lockers and cupboards to public and private sector organisations as well as individual customers nationwide.

How to Get your Employees to Cycle to Work

Commuting to and from work five days a week can be very stressful. Indeed, competing for space on packed trains and inching along congested roads can leave commuters feeling completely stressed out before they even get to their place of work! Moreover, travelling by road and rail doesn’t come cheap these days.